March 30, 2009 (9:36pm)When people ruin your life, do not treat them as Gods. You sound either crazy or insane? Serious. Are you trying to sell yourself as a Jewish hooker to me? Is this some god damn freak show? Go to his funeral and spit on his dead corpse so you can remove the stigma of some trampy arm candy "Christian" who had an affair or was with another man? Good high quality work from you again! You fags hate Americans and telling the truth. You are one of those people who want to experience "everything in life" but no sex. What you need is a real life and a non dysfunctional one.
You sit around thinking about gays and other men all day long; then worship them when they die. It is really pathetic. A total fucking loser Annie, really. I am not going to let you pull a fast one on me okay, hell no! You fool and trick these other guys and come beg to sleep in my bed every nite? You log all this time with other men and ask me who ends up with you or who you go to see every night? You are a total chicken shit, I dare you to come see me or write me via the US mail. You are so pathetic and you act like a cougar and diva when you are scared of intimacy.
You are terrified I will reject you. You look like a total fucking loser to me Ann, do you realize this? All these men and all this fantasy. Are you serving me well Annie taking me down a road of ruin? Excuse after excuse, fake and total lies, etc... layers on layers of deceit. Worse, I am here defending you. Can you get that in your thick head? Why do you beg me for intimacy and log so much time with other men or worship losers? Why? Isn't life hard enough for you? Do you need more trouble and rumors? Why are you and John Edwards... did Edwards accuse you of an affair? Worse is how terrified you are.
The most handsome man on the Internet: West is happy he bailed. "I was not about to be a puppet for Al Jazeera," says the candidate, whose district includes fellow conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter. "You know they are going to pull some tricks. I will not validate their network, which has helped torment our men and women in uniform."

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